How to File a Warranty Claim
English | Español
When a warranty is claimed, EEL Warranty Claims Department will process the claim and EEL sends a technician for the repair. If the technician report notes customer at-fault or the equipment is working properly, there will be a technician service fee .
EEL encourages all customers to work through the following checklist to avoid being charged a fee:
- Was equipment installed properly by an expert or a person with knowledge of the equipment?
- Is the equipment located at a safe place in which it has proper airflow?
- Is the equipment well balanced?
- Are cables near water or near hot temperatures that may be managing the cables that are not built for it?
- Are fans cleaned?
- Is the condensers/evaporator clean?
- Does the equipment have clean filters?
- Are the outlets working properly in the place where the equipment is plugged in?
- Are the outlets giving the proper volts that the equipment needs?
- Is the equipment not working because other electronics are affecting the power supply?
PLEASE NOTE: If the technician finds the problem with the equipment was caused by any of the things listed or the equipment was working properly, the technician report will find customer at-fault. THE CUSTOMER ACCOUNT WILL BE CHARGED.
Please make sure the equipment is clean and dry. If unit is not clean enough to work on, the technician will be forced to reschedule and the technician service fee
The equipment must be complete at the time of repair. If the equipment is incomplete (such as shelving, poly cutting board(s), cooking grate(s), etc. are missing) at the time of repair that were present at the time of purchase and the missing parts are not related the warranty claim at-hand, the technician will not replace parts since equipment is sold “as is.” Customer is responsible for incomplete parts.
If customer has worked through checklist, please contact our Warranty Claims Department at (480) 415-6165.
For a copy of the 60-Day Limited Warranty Terms & Conditions, select here.